29 July 2021
CAPPADOCIA Cappadocia, that carries centuries of cultural heritage, has obtained a rich cultural accumulation by hosting various civilizations. Through all this richness where they all can be experienced in one place; Nature, culture, religious tourism and hot air balloon organizations that take place every day, endows Cappadocia to be a unique location across the world. According to Bilge Umar, as linguistics, Cappadocia originally refers to “Khepat Ukh”– Khepat’s country. Khepat who is known as a goddess that rise to the surface with a goddess belief after end of Neolithic era in Anatolia. So, before asking the question: “who is Khepat” it requires an introduction: Khepat who was a goddess in Anatolia and was accepted as the common goddess of Hatti and later on Hittite civilizations that established civilization after Hatti’s. In the temples of these Anatolia communities whose center is Anatolia, Khepat is known as a cult of goddess and additionally she is the wife of god Tesup. Tesup and Khepat, that took place in polytheistic beliefs and tolerance territory of Hittite civilization, will later lay the foundation of Zeus and Hera culture. Subsequently, Persians who conquered the territory changed and transcribed the name as “Katpatuka” which is suitable to their language and as the rumor says, it refers to “Country of beautiful horses”. In 2 B.C., after becoming a state of Rome, the region has been started to be called as “Cappadocia”. Khepat Ukh- Katpatuka- Cappadocia are words that don’t have any meanings in today’s Turkish language. It is perceived that the names were originally Anatolian name and afterwards, possibly adopted in Hatti and afterwards in Hittite language. We can see in the Bartoleome’s great Persian dictionary regarding the fact that Cappadocia name has been adopted due to information pollution in the Persian language. “Years ago, I have bumped into a travelling page of a magazine and have seen the name of Cappadocia and Fairy Chimneys that make it interesting. It was a different tone that sounds unusual. Alongside the fact that I was impressed by its name, I thought of how it would touch the spirit of a traveler who wrote the experience that made him say “I assume a fairy got away into me”. Reading this enthusiastic and perfectionist review made me impressed suddenly. Really what did the traveler want to say? In the land of tales and bourn of fairies which fairy has accomplished that? Who were those fairies and what were these fairy chimneys? What got away into me, changed my mood, increased my happiness, made me peaceful or whatever this feeling is, what fairy girl has made this? One of the inspiration fairies Thalia, the mother of dance Mouses’ sirens, Terpsikhore, fairy of elegance, Grazia, mother of elegance fairies, Eunomia, mountain fairy Oread, fairy of valleys Lyke, fairy of meadows Napae, fairy of luck Klotho or other beautiful fairy girl? I don’t know which fairy made me fall in love with Cappadocia yet but however she did it and why she did I am so happy and pleased that I can’t explain. As much as Yavuz Demir tried to express his love regarding Cappadocia with these scrumptious words, the words will remain scarce to express the view, landscape, magic and how it feels of Cappadocia. Harga Tour Travel Agency is the right choice for you to experience Cappadocia with its all beauty throughout 4 seasons. Formation of Fairy Chimneys In the Cappadocia region, mostly Erciyes Mountain, followed by Hasandagi and Golludag formed the fairy chimneys. These mountains were active volcanic mountains in the geological ages millions years ago. The journey that started with the explosion of these mountains still continues today with struggle of wind and rain waters’ erosion. Flood waters coming all the way down from the valley hillsides and winds corroded the artifacts so called “fairy chimneys” that has been formed by tuffs. After this natural event, fairy chimneys have been formed up. Flood waters creating their own ways caused cracking of hard rocks and breaking off. With the corrosion of the faster eroding materials that stays at the bottom of the fairy chimneys, the slope has enlarged, thus, the parts at top that looks like hat and conical shaped body that is immune against erosion have formed. The fairy chimneys with hat are in shape of conical, has a block of rock at the top of them. Body has been formed from rocks that comprise tuff and volcanic ashes.; the hat has been formed from hard rocks. Interesting curves along the valley that have been formed by rain waters contributes to the beauty of the region one step more. Some of the color differences that can be noticed at some slopes are due to temperature difference of lava layers. These formations can be seen in Ortahisa-Kizilcukur, Meskendir and Pancarli Valleys, Cavusin-Gulludere and Goreme Valleys. The human kind that benefits from the generosity of the nature, built houses, watch towers, churches, monasteries, colossal underground bunkers and hospitals by carving this thick rock masses that are convenient for carving. Especially, after the spread of Christianity in Anatolia, with the advantage that Cappadocia provides through its geological structure, monasteries and churches in the region have reached to numbers that are stated in thousands. This enabled Cappadocia to be a central place for Christian monks. History of Cappadocia In the book that was written in the Roman Empire era – Strabon Geographika describes Cappadocia region as until Malatya in the east, Aksaray in the west, Taurus Mountains in the south and Eastern Black Sea region in the north. Now Cappadocia region consists of the rectangular area drawn by the centers of Kayseri, Niğde, Aksaray and Kırşehir where Nevşehir is in the middle. Nowadays, when you say Cappadocia first things that come in mind are Fairy Chimneys, Churches made of rocks, and Ürgüp (Başhisar), Ortahisar, Uçhisar, Göreme, Çavuşin, Avanos, Gülşehir, Derinkuyu, Kayseri – Soğanlı and Aksaray – Ihlara Valley where underground cities are in abundance. Starting from B.C. 2000, Hittites came to the region and founded the Great Hittite Empire after socializing with Hattis. In these times, Kültepe (Kaneş) which is near Kayseri is an important Assyrian trading colony. After Hittite Empire has fallen down which ruled by B.C. 1200s a late Hittite State has been founded. After late Hittite State was conquered by Phrygians, the region was ruled by Cimmerians, Meds and as of B.C. 547 by Persians. Persians ruled Anatolia by dividing regions that are called “Satraplık”. One of the regions which is called today Cappadocia and called Khepat Ukh in Hittites’ era, is called as Katpatuka in Persian Language. Alexander the great who conquered Persian Empire confronts a strong opposition. Upon this, he assigns one of his commanders, Sabistas to organize the region. In opposition to this, the community declares Ariarathes the first (B.C. 332-352) who is a Persian nobleman, as king. Ariarathes the first who establishes a good relationship with Alexander the great expands the borders of Cappadocia kingdom. The Cappadocia Kingdom that lives in a peace until the time that Alexander the great’s decease comes, then it enters again in a war period and fight’s off against Pontus, Galatians, Macedonia and Romans. In A.C. 17 Tiberius includes Cappadocia into the soils of Roman Empire and it becomes the state of the Empire. Construction of new roads increased the importance of Kayseri which is in the position of center of the state and brought the aliveness of the Assyrian trading colonies back. In the later years, the city was surrounded by walls in order to protect it from the Sasani raids that come from Iran. During the spread of Christianity, Cappadocia region has increased its significance and when the Christianity was accepted as the main religion by the Roman Empire, Kayseri became the Archiepiscopate center. In the IV. Century, with major struggles of Saint Basillius the first, Christianity has settled the region and a mystical monastery life in the rocks has begun. When the Roman Empire splits into two parts in A.C 395, Cappadocia stays naturaly in the borders of Eastern Roman Empire. In the early VII. Centruries, there has been intense wars between Sasanis and Byzantines and Sasanis kept the region for 6-7 years. In A.C. 651, after Caliphate Osman conquered the Sasani State, the region is exposed to raids of Arab- Emevi. Christian sectarian conflicts that continued during this jungle reaches its peak especially after the Emperor Leon the 3rd forbids the icons and iconoclasm era (726-843) begins. In the iconoclastic era, Cappadocia received major migrations and icon fanatics Christians migrated to the region. These people hid in the monasteries that are carved into the rocks and continued to their worships and activities. Cappadocian folk got in a peacefully era after Kayseri was conquered by Seljuks. Under the rule of Seljuks Christians pray freely and build their churches. However, in 1308, Mongolian originated Ilkhanids captured Kayseri and the city was vandalized by them. This situation did not continue too much and during the Ottoman era, the territory gets its comfort and peace in the end.